Learning German
from the Streets
Easy German is an online video series that provides German learners around the world with authentic learning material. We show the German language as it is spoken on the street and among friends at home. Our two weekly shows contain interviews with people from different cities and present daily life in Germany, covering a wide range of topics and fluency levels. Our videos are subtitled in both English and German, allowing learners to follow along even as native speakers talk at their regular pace.
Street Interviews
Every week, we speak with real people, about real issues, at real speed. Simultaneous German and English subtitles will help you follow every word.
Super Easy German
What’s easier than Easy German? Super Easy German! On our second weekly show, everyone speaks a bit slower, so you can perfect your understanding.
Practice with us
Mastering a language requires deliberate and active practice. By becoming a member you will receive interactive worksheets and vocabulary lists for all of our Easy German and Super Easy German episodes. Our exercises will help you deepen your understanding of the vocabulary and grammar used in each episode. As a member, you also gain access to our exclusive Discord server, where you can chat with us in German on a daily basis. Our higher membership levels offer interactive transcripts & a vocabulary helper for our podcast and video downloads for our YouTube episodes. Finally, if you join our Conversation Membership level, you can practice your conversational skills in five weekly calls with us and other members. You can become a member for as little as 5€ per month and cancel anytime.
Where to begin?
Watch episodes that match your current level of German.
Let’s be friends.
Subscribe to the Easy German channel on YouTube and we’ll provide you with a fresh dose of German practice every week. In between episodes, you can always find us on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.
Or more than that.
Easy German wouldn’t be possible without the support from our community. For just 5€ per month, you can help us cover our costs. You’ll receive transcripts, interactive worksheets and more in return.